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miércoles, 16 de abril de 2014

Algunas curiosidades cotidianas en Kathmandu//Some daily life curiosities in Kathmandu

Servicio de barbero en plena calle:
Barber service on the street
Transporte cómodo para animales de granja:
 Comfortable transportation for farm animals:
Y no tanto para los humanos :)
But not for humans :)
Trabajo duro:
 Hard work:
Monos por doquier:
 Monkeys everywhere:
Mezcla de vacas, palomas y templos:
 Mix of cows, pigeons and temples:
Servicio público para animales:
 Public service for animals:
Antigüedad y modernidad:
Antiquity and modernity: 
Servicios de costura a la mano:
 Tailoring services at hand:

2 comentarios:

  1. Dear Lissie you have shown some thing very interesting of the day to day life of Nepal. These activities are not even observed by other tourists. I am sure this these photos will attracts the attention of others.


Your comment make me happy :)


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