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lunes, 7 de abril de 2014

Monjes del Tibet// Monks of Tibet

Monjes practicando sus habilidades de debate en el monasterio de Sera, Tibet.
 Monks practicing their debating skills in Sera Monastery, Tibet.
Se reúnen todos los días para discutir temas de religión, filosofía y ciencia.
Los monjes tibetanos pasan gran parte del tiempo meditando, aprendiendo y trabajando en los templos y monasterios del Tíbet.
 They meet every day to discuss matters of religion, philosophy and science.
Tibetan monks spend most of their time meditating, learning and working in the temples and monasteries of Tibet.

1 comentario:

  1. You have peeped inside the internal life style of Tibetan's monks. Nice to know about this.


Your comment make me happy :)


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