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miércoles, 19 de marzo de 2014

La Paloma (Uruguay)

La Paloma se encuentra a 240 km de la capital, Montevideo, y posee 20 km aproximados de costa. Fundada en 1874, La Paloma tiene distintas playas con diferentes características (con rocas, con olas, de aguas tranquilas, profundas, zonas de pesca) para todos los gustos :)
 La Paloma is located 240 km from the capital of Uruguay, Montevideo. It has 20 km of coastline approximate. Founded in 1874, La Paloma has different beaches with different characteristics each (with rocks, with waves, flat-water, deep, fishing zone) for everyone desires :)
El faro se puede visitar pagando un ticket muy económico. Desde la cima se pueden apreciar los hermosos paisajes de zona.
The lighthouse can be visited by paying a very affordable ticket. From the top you can see the beautiful scenery landscapes. 

Es un lugar tranquilo, ideal para pasar vacaciones con la familia.
 It is a quiet place, ideal for a holiday with the family.

2 comentarios:

  1. Nice view from the light house and from the inside too light house looks sooo nice with round stairs.


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