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viernes, 9 de enero de 2015

¡Buda de 25 metros!- 25m-high Buddha

Esta escultura de Buda de 25 metros de alto fue inaugurada por el mismísimo Dalai Lama, principal líder religioso del budismo en 1989, en Bodhgaya, India.
This sculpture of Buddha 25 meters high was inaugurated by Dalai Lama himself, top religious leader of Buddhism, in 1989 in Bodhgaya, India. 

Se dice que es parcialmente hueca y que contiene en su interior alrededor de 20.000 pequeñas esculturas de Buda en bronce.
It is partially hollow and contains within it some 20,000 small Buddha sculptures in bronze.

2 comentarios:

  1. Amazing statue of Lord Buddha. It is really nice to know that this statue contains 20,000 small statues of Buddha.


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