Holi, la fiesta hindú de la primavera, es conocida como el festival de los colores. La gente celebra tirándose polvos y agua de colores unos a otros.
Holi, the Hindu festival of spring, is known as the festival of colours. People celebrate by throwing coloured powder and coloured water at each other.
Todas la ciudades de India, pueblos y aldeas se tiñen de muchos colores en una fiesta donde participan personas de todas las edades.
All the Indian cities, towns and villages are dyed in many colours at this party which participants are of all ages.
Pero hay un pueblo en particular donde Holi es la esencia misma de sus tradiciones: Vrindavan. Es aquí donde el dios hindú Krishna, celoso de su amada, la diosa Radha, porque ésta poseía la tez más clara que la suya, se lamentó ante su madre. Su madre, bromeando, le aconsejó que pintara el rostro de Radha del color que él quisiera. Krishna era muy travieso y así lo hizo.
But there is one particular village where Holi is the very essence of their traditions: Vrindavan. This is where the Hindu god Krishna, jealous of his beloved Goddess Radha, because she had more fair skin than him, complained to his mother. His mother jokingly advised him to paint the face of Radha with the colour he wanted. Krishna was very naughty and did so.
La gente imita este acto pintándose unos a otros de tal manera que al final del día las personas quedan irreconocibles :)
Hindúes de toda la India viajan a Vrindavan a recrear los caminos de Krishna y participar de los rituales en los templos.
People imitate this act by painting each other so that the end of the day people are unrecognizable :)
Hindus across India travel to Vrindavan to recreate the ways of Krishna and participate in rituals in the temples.
El día comienza con una caminata recorriendo los lugares sagrados, ¡sólo hay que seguir a la gente!
The day starts with a walk touring holy sites, just follow people!
Pronto la personas comienza a jugar con los polvos de colores, hay que tener mucho cuidado con la cámara de fotos que puede terminar atascada :)
Soon people began to play with coloured powders, one must be very careful with the camera that can end stuck :)
Noté que algunos extranjeros que andaban por allí miraban de lejos sin animarse a participar. Es verdad que hay que tener cuidado con las multitudes en India, pero en este pueblo participaban muchas familias con niños y el ambiente era muy amigable.
I noticed that some foreigners who were there watching from a distance without daring to participate. It is true that we must be careful with the crowds in India, but in this town involved many families with children and the atmosphere was very friendly.
It's true that HOLI is one of the main festival of India and of Hindus. Mathura and Vridavan (both the cities) are famous for their Holi celebration.
ResponderEliminarYes, it is lot of fun :)