Viajar a la India es como cruzar un portal mágico donde todo es posible :)
Visiting India is like crossing a magical portal where anything is possible :)
Elefante cargando su propia comida en plena capital del país, Delhi:
Elephant carrying its own food in the capital of the country, Delhi:
Parada de autobús obstruida por un pastor y sus ovejas en Srinagar, Cachemira:
Bus stop obstructed by a shepherd and his sheep in Srinagar, Kashmir:
Vacas descansando en las angostas calles de Bikaner, Rajasthan:
Cows resting in the narrow streets of Bikaner, Rajasthan:
Estacionamiento para autos...¡y camellos! en Rajasthan:
Parking for cars ... and camels! Rajasthan:
Lavando ropa en el río Ganges:
Laundry in the Ganga river:
Bebé con los ojos pintados con KAJAL (kohl) como protección y a modo decorativo:
Baby with his eyes painted with kajal (kohl) for protection and decorative reason:
Ver la primera parte haciendo click aquí.
See the first part clicking here.
Visiting India is like crossing a magical portal where anything is possible :)
Elefante cargando su propia comida en plena capital del país, Delhi:
Elephant carrying its own food in the capital of the country, Delhi:
Parada de autobús obstruida por un pastor y sus ovejas en Srinagar, Cachemira:
Bus stop obstructed by a shepherd and his sheep in Srinagar, Kashmir:
Vacas descansando en las angostas calles de Bikaner, Rajasthan:
Cows resting in the narrow streets of Bikaner, Rajasthan:
Estacionamiento para autos...¡y camellos! en Rajasthan:
Parking for cars ... and camels! Rajasthan:

Lavando ropa en el río Ganges:
Laundry in the Ganga river:
Bebé con los ojos pintados con KAJAL (kohl) como protección y a modo decorativo:
Baby with his eyes painted with kajal (kohl) for protection and decorative reason:
Ver la primera parte haciendo click aquí.
See the first part clicking here.
You have clearly defined the diverse form of living in India in your blog. You are right that for us it is the part of our culture and day to day life but it may be surprising to the people of other country.
ResponderEliminarIndia is a lovely country :)