Srinagar, al norte de la India, es mayormente musulmán. La ciudad vive en constante tensión por la situación política de la región. En el centro de la ciudad hay muchos militares y se ve mucha seguridad en toda la zona. En la ciudad la mayoría de las mujeres se cubren con el atuendo musulmán. No está permitida la entrada a extranjeros en las mesquitas. Hay que tomar precauciones cuando se transita por esta zona del país ya que se han perpetuado raptos de turistas extranjeros en el pasado. Es esencial informarse sobre la situación del momento antes de viajar.
Srinagar, northern India, is mostly Muslim. The city lives in constant tension with the political situation in the region. In the centre of the city there are many military and much security throughout the area. In the city most women cover themselves with the Muslim black outfit. Foreigners are allowed to enter only in some mosques if they are with a guide. Care should be taken when moving through this area of the country. It is essential to learn about the current situation before travelling. Violence can flare up suddenly and there were some tourists kidnapped before.
La cultura de esta región está más emparentada con Asia Central que con los demás estados de la India. Esto se nota no sólo en el comportamiento de la gente sino además en su aspecto y atuendo. Son pocos los rostros de mujeres que podemos ver ya que la mayoría se cubre. Pero pude observar que muchos hombres tienen ojos verdes y la piel un poco más clara que en el resto de la India.
The culture of the region is more near to Central Asia than the other states of India. This is evident not only in the behaviour of people but also in their appearance and attire. Are few women's faces that we can see as most are covered. I noticed that many men have green eyes and the skin lighter than in the rest of India.
Mujer transitando por las calles de la ciudad/ Woman walking through the streets of the city
Niñas volviendo de la escuela/ Girls returning from school.
Muchos visten una túnica de lana de color grís llamada PHERAN que es realmente efectiva contra el frío de la montaña.
Many wear a gray woolen tunic called PHERAN. It is really effective against the cold of the mountain.
Mi esposo vistiendo el tradicional pheran y tomando té aromático con chappatis en una casa típica de la zona/ My husband wearing traditional pheran and drinking aromatic tea with chappatis in a typical house.
Yo :) / Me :)
Llegamos a Srinagar en avión desde Delhi. No se necesita permiso para ingresar a la zona pero en el aeropuerto hay que llenar un formulario bastante extenso y hay mucha seguridad para ingresar a los templos hindues.
We reached Srinagar by air from Delhi. No permission is required to enter to this area but,at the airport, you have to fill a form quite extensive. There are lot of security for entering in the Hindu temples.
Algunas mesquitas son muy antiguas y hermosamente decoradas.
Some mosques are very old and beautifully decorated.
Una de las principales atracciones de esta ciudad es el lago Dal, hogar de muchas casas flotantes y botes de transporte que asemejan las góndolas venecianas.
One of the main attractions of the city is the Dal lake, home to many houseboats and transport boats that resemble Venetian gondolas.
La belleza del lugar sólo es opacada por la cantidad de vendedores en pequeños botes que te acosan todo el tiempo.
La visita a las montañas es imprescindible. Aquí la gente habla mayormente Urdu y las mujeres optan por colores más llamativos para su atuendo dejando de lado el típico color negro del atuendo musulmán utilizado en la ciudad.
The beauty of the place is overshadowed only by the number of vendors in small boats who harass you all the time.
The visit to the mountains is a must. People here mostly speak Urdu and women choose brighter colours for their outfit than the typical Muslim black attire used in the city.
Se puede recorrer la montaña guiado por locales que, en mi caso, nos llevaron a su ritmo, increiblemente rápido, uf!
You can climb the mountain guided by a guide which, in my case, they took me in their way, incredibly fast, ugh!
Uno de los guías que nos subieron a la montaña estaba encantado con su celular e iba escuchando una canción en Urdu, la misma una y otra vez. Muchos dirán que esto no permitía apreciar el silencio (o sonido) de la montaña pero, ¿que podíamos hacer? Es parte de una visita a la India, ¡llena de situaciones cómicas y extravagantes! Además me hacía imaginar que estaba dentro de una película :)
One of the guides we climbed the mountain with was delighted with his cell phone and was listening to a song in Urdu, the same over and over again. Many will say that this will not allow to appreciate the silence (or sound) of the mountain but what could we do? It is part of a visit to India, full of humorous situations and outlandish too! Also he made me imagine I was in a movie :)
Srinagar, northern India, is mostly Muslim. The city lives in constant tension with the political situation in the region. In the centre of the city there are many military and much security throughout the area. In the city most women cover themselves with the Muslim black outfit. Foreigners are allowed to enter only in some mosques if they are with a guide. Care should be taken when moving through this area of the country. It is essential to learn about the current situation before travelling. Violence can flare up suddenly and there were some tourists kidnapped before.
La cultura de esta región está más emparentada con Asia Central que con los demás estados de la India. Esto se nota no sólo en el comportamiento de la gente sino además en su aspecto y atuendo. Son pocos los rostros de mujeres que podemos ver ya que la mayoría se cubre. Pero pude observar que muchos hombres tienen ojos verdes y la piel un poco más clara que en el resto de la India.
The culture of the region is more near to Central Asia than the other states of India. This is evident not only in the behaviour of people but also in their appearance and attire. Are few women's faces that we can see as most are covered. I noticed that many men have green eyes and the skin lighter than in the rest of India.
Mujer transitando por las calles de la ciudad/ Woman walking through the streets of the city
Niñas volviendo de la escuela/ Girls returning from school.
Muchos visten una túnica de lana de color grís llamada PHERAN que es realmente efectiva contra el frío de la montaña.
Many wear a gray woolen tunic called PHERAN. It is really effective against the cold of the mountain.
Mi esposo vistiendo el tradicional pheran y tomando té aromático con chappatis en una casa típica de la zona/ My husband wearing traditional pheran and drinking aromatic tea with chappatis in a typical house.
Yo :) / Me :)
We reached Srinagar by air from Delhi. No permission is required to enter to this area but,at the airport, you have to fill a form quite extensive. There are lot of security for entering in the Hindu temples.
Algunas mesquitas son muy antiguas y hermosamente decoradas.
Some mosques are very old and beautifully decorated.
Una de las principales atracciones de esta ciudad es el lago Dal, hogar de muchas casas flotantes y botes de transporte que asemejan las góndolas venecianas.
One of the main attractions of the city is the Dal lake, home to many houseboats and transport boats that resemble Venetian gondolas.
La belleza del lugar sólo es opacada por la cantidad de vendedores en pequeños botes que te acosan todo el tiempo.
La visita a las montañas es imprescindible. Aquí la gente habla mayormente Urdu y las mujeres optan por colores más llamativos para su atuendo dejando de lado el típico color negro del atuendo musulmán utilizado en la ciudad.
The beauty of the place is overshadowed only by the number of vendors in small boats who harass you all the time.
The visit to the mountains is a must. People here mostly speak Urdu and women choose brighter colours for their outfit than the typical Muslim black attire used in the city.

Se puede recorrer la montaña guiado por locales que, en mi caso, nos llevaron a su ritmo, increiblemente rápido, uf!
You can climb the mountain guided by a guide which, in my case, they took me in their way, incredibly fast, ugh!
One of the guides we climbed the mountain with was delighted with his cell phone and was listening to a song in Urdu, the same over and over again. Many will say that this will not allow to appreciate the silence (or sound) of the mountain but what could we do? It is part of a visit to India, full of humorous situations and outlandish too! Also he made me imagine I was in a movie :)
Lot of nice photo with explanation of Srinagar. This will surly attract other tourist to visit this city.
ResponderEliminarha ha thanks :)
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